Tuesday, August 28, 2007

10 Ways To Hide Food

You know, a couple years ago I made a comment to Kathy that Vanessa would be my anorexic and Harley would be my bulimic. She asked if one had to have each of those. I said 'of course!'.

Harley, from a very early age, was able to make herself throw up. Not for any reason other than she wanted to. Vanessa on the other hand has never been a big fan of eating. She's one of those annoying people that forget to eat or just don't feel like it. It'll be great for her when she's older. It's hard for me now as a mother because it's our job to make them eat.

Lately, Vanessa has taken to creative means to get rid of food she doesn't want to eat but we try to make her. So here are some suggestions if you are in need of hiding food.

1. The old standard, give it to the dog.
2. Put most of your food on your little sister's plate and then claim you've eaten it.
(note: in order for this to work, your sister can't be a tattletale)
3. Put it in a napkin and claim you HAVE to throw away the napkin.
4. Drop it on the floor. You can't eat food off the floor, right?!
5. Stuff your mouth with the food then run to bathroom "to go potty" and then flush it down the

All of the above Vanessa has tried. She hasn't gotten away with it yet, but practice makes perfect.

Monday, August 27, 2007

You'll Never See THIS on HGTV

Last Tuesday I had the cerclage put in to make sure I don't have any problems with an early labor. While Tony and I were at the hospital, my brother, Scott, watched the girls at our house. Later that night my dad called Scott and asked if the girls had taught him anything. He thought about it for a minute and then said, "Yes! Actually I did learn something."

Scott let the girls color and draw on paper. Later, he was walking through the house and one of the pictures Harley drew was on the wall. He thought she had wedged it into the light switch that was right above it or maybe she found scotch tape somewhere. He didn't see evidence of either so he asked Harley how she stuck the picture to the wall. She took the picture off the wall, looked at him with that 'DUH' look and said "Uncle Scott, you just spit on it and stick to the wall!"

Monday, August 20, 2007

Share and Share Alike

We teach our children to share. If they don't share like we think they should, they get in trouble. Sometimes they share MORE than we think they should, and they get in trouble...

Vanessa was sitting by herself at the table eating mashed potatoes.Laying under the table at her feet was our dog, Sydney. (You can all see where this is going) I look up and I see Vanessa holding her spoon down and letting Sydney lick mashed potates off and then lifting the spoon up and eating what was left on the spoon! ewwwwwww

Friday, August 03, 2007

New Pictures of Harley

A lady I work with recently took some pictures of Harley. Unfortunately, she has a 7 yr old step-daughter and all the girls wanted to do was play with her.

Here are the best photos.

The Haircut

Well it has happened. Vanessa cut her own hair.

I discovered it when we went upstairs for bathtime. There was a clump of hair on the floor. I asked the girls about it. Vanessa insisted it was her barbie doll's hair. Nice try, but barbie's hair is a different texture. Harley informed me it was Vanessa's.

I checked her head. Sure enough, shorter hair in places. Then while washing her hair and then brushing it more clumps came out.

I thought Tony was going to cry. Somehow he recently turned into an old coot by proclaiming that "girls should have long hair!".

I was just disappointed in her. She loves her long hair. Why did she cut then? She wanted to look like the singer Rhianna. (Rhianna recently got a bob cut).

I took her to our hairstylist. Turns out Vanessa didn't do a bad job on her hair. It's a rather nice angle in the front. All that was needed was the other side to be angled. So alls well that ends well I guess.

Frankly, I wish she had cut Harley's hair! I've been wanting the cut that child's hair for a while now. I have opposition from the old coot and his mom. If Vanessa would have hacked off Harley's hair that would have been my excuse! Darn. Maybe next time (smile).

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

My Granddad

In Memoriam to Robert Willison, my granddad.
March 14, 1919 - July 24, 2007

The most respectable man I've ever known.

You will be greatly missed!!! We love you!