Monday, October 30, 2006

Catchin up on the stories

Ok, so I warned you all I would be bad at posting. The plan was to wait and post stories and pictures at the same time but it looks like that will have to be separate. Look forward to some pictures soon. So let's catch up on some funny stories.

Miss Vanessa
Vanessa has obviously been potty-trained for a long time now. However, it is still big on our list of important things for her to do. Perhaps we have made it too important.At the family dinner with the Woods' on Sunday we had guests. Pastor Paulie and his wife came to dinner. He is the former pastor for my mother-in-law and the current pastor for Tony's oldest brother, Tim. Lovely couple, very nice. So Mrs. Paulie went to the restroom and was about to sit down when Vanessa starts to open the door. Mrs. Paulie says "yoo hoo" to let her know someone is in there. Vanessa doesn't care, she continued to open the door while holding her cup of water in one hand. Mrs. Paulie says "someone is in here honey" to which Vanessa responds "I told you I had go to the bathroom". Since you can't argue with logic, Mrs. Paulie pulls herself together and leaves the bathroom. Then comes out laughing, telling the story.Of course I was mortified, had a talk with Vanessa and she apologized for being rude.

Harley Quinn
This girl is such the product of me and Tony. She has a temper, she's a bit cynical (especially for a 2 yr old) and you never know what might come out of her mouth. There are 3 stories for Miss Harley. All happened at the Pumpkin Show when of course there are millions of people (that we know) around to watch and listen.

#1 - The Jugglers
During the afternoon parade on Wednesday the talented people who ride a unicycle and juggle rode by us. One of the jugglers dropped his bowling pins. Harley says: "waa, waa, waaaaa". She's so compassionate.

#2 - Speaking of compassion...
Harley and Vanessa rode the mini-drop zone. Harley loved the ride. She had a ball. The girl next to, didn't have such a good time. She was crying. Harley looks over at her......and laughs.

#3 - Just to make us look like bad parents
I must preface this story by saying that we have never, ever let our children watch the show "Flavor of Love". Tony has said jokingly a couple of times "Flavor Flavvv". For those hip-hop challenged, Flavor Flav is the hype-man for Public Enemy. They were very popular in the late 80's, early 90's. Flavor Flav is known for wearing a clock around his neck. He loves yelling out his hype name. Now that the background info has been given, here is the Harley story. Harley is known for her intense look. As an example, I overheard a woman at the Pumpkin Show say about Harley that she could 'look a hole right through you'. At times it seems like she tries. She and Vanessa were sitting in the mini-scrambler waiting for the ride to start. Harley had the intense look going on and we were trying to get her attention so we could take a picture. Out of the blue, she turns her head to us and yells..."FLAVOR FLAVVVVVV!!!" We just fell out laughing.

I have to add this story. It's not about one of my children, but he's close enough. Lisa Lane's son Travis beat all my girls stories by a LONG SHOT. While standing at the photo button booth waiting on the photo button of her precious boys, Trevor tugs on Lisa's coat and says "Mom, look what Travis is doing." Travis had pulled down his pants and was peeing on Main St. at the Pumpkin Show!!! If ya gotta go, ya gotta go! Trevor, wanting to make his mom feel better offers this consulation: "at least he didn't do it in public". Lisa reminds Trevor that you can't get any more public than Main St. during the Pumpkin Show. Oh, I love that story!!!

Why do half of the stories we tell about our children involve peeing?

That's all the stories for now. Pictures will follow soon. Maybe tomorrow!