Friday, July 02, 2010

Oh Harley.....

Why why why

The girls and I were getting ready for bed last night. I went into our main bathroom. I notice some curly locks of hair on the floor. There are only 2 people in the house who has hair that curly, Harley and Adrienne. Adrienne's hair is in braids so by the power of brilliant deduction I go out on a limb and assume they are Harley's curly locks.

I call Harley back to the bathroom and ask her if it is her hair. She looks apprehensive but cops up to the fact that it is indeed her hair. At first she says it just came out when she was brushing it after her shower. See, the past few days she has been brushing her own hair (yea for me!). I also notice at this point that a razor is laying out on the sink. Again, my ingenious investigative skills kick in (it is what I do for a living...) and I ask Harley if she used the razor to cut her hair. She denies it but then I give her the look and she confesses that she used the razor to cut her hair on one side because it was shorter than the other.

She did a fairly decent job, I didn't notice when she came out. We even sat and watched Clean House and I never noticed (no comments!). I told her if she was concerned about her hair we would have gone to the salon. She said she wanted me to save my money. HA!! From a girl who asks for a milk shake every single day.

Then she also said "I should tell you more." Please do. "Feel my arm, see how smooth? I didn't even hurt myself!" Her arm was smooth. It was also hairless. As are her legs now.

Before you ask, yes the razors were put away. After her eyebrow shaving at the beginning of the school year I put them up. Why are my girls so fascinated with hair and hair removal?!