Friday, December 21, 2007


My lovely daughter, Harley. That girl never ceases to amaze me. Last night we went to Eastland Mall.

Of course, as soon as we walk in the door the girls had to go to the bathroom. I can't wait until they are disgusted instead of intrigued by public bathrooms. Anyway, after the ritual cleaning, Vanessa goes in one stall and Harley goes in another. Sometimes Harley needs help getting herself back together. Not last night though. She had it all taken care of. She was a big girl.

Fast forward past seeing Santa Claus and a little shopping. We are standing in Lane Bryant looking for something for my niece. I'm talking to my sister-in-law on the phone to see what size to buy. I hear Harley say "mama" for the MILLIONTH time since we walked into the mall. Finally, I look down and her pants are at her knees. Bare behind showing.

Her pants had fallen down. Her panties too.

I quickly got off the phone, pushed Harley into a private nook and fixed her.

Apparently she neglected to pull up her panties in the bathroom and that caused her pants to fall down.

Why me?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


My baby like Christmas songs.

While driving home from work the other day I had Christmas songs on the radio. I was singing along. The baby was dancing in my belly.

When a commercial came on and the music stopped and I stopped singing, she stopped moving.

Apparently she loves Christmas music. Or maybe she was mad because my bad singing was disturbing her sleep. It really could go either way.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Snow Day

Everyone loves a good snow angel.

"My hands are FREEZING!" (she had gloves on, she took them off to feel the snow)


Vanessa can be a girly girl. She loves clothes, make-up, hair. Even though I try to keep my make-up out of their reach, Vanessa found some eye shadow and decided to try it out. When I saw her, she was scared she was in big trouble. I told her if she wanted to play dress up, just let me know. I'll put make-up on her and Harley and they can put on their dresses. Here are the princesses, make-up and ball gowns over sweatshirts and t-shirts.

Vanessa received a lot of money for her birthday. She chose the Bratz Make-up doll to buy with all her money. Harley got into the make-up......... which included glitter......