Thursday, August 27, 2009

One cute picture, One funny picture


Mo's first pigtails...and Harley tried out my razor. Most of one eyebrow is missing.

Friday, August 07, 2009



Can I just say, I am worried. Worried about family. Worried about going out tomorrow. Worried about giving a presentation in front of Law Enforcement in a little over a week. Worried about Tony with school/job/health. Worried about money. Worried about our old, clunker cars.

I am trying to give it to God but for some reason I'm having trouble letting go of it. I feel like all I do is worry. Please pray for me.

Monday, August 03, 2009


I was at my mother-in-law's twice this weekend. I got my camera phone out and took some pictures.

These ducks CRACKED. ME. UP. I'm not sure the reason for them but it's kind of creepy. They have one eye missing, lookin' all crazy.

Now before you go and call Children's Services, let me explain. I tried to help her out. I tried to show her the door. She is independent now you know. She can do it herself. So I just took a picture. It was a slow, methodical climb out of the playhouse, not a quick, painful fall.