Friday, December 05, 2008

What's "My Father Up Above's" Name?

This is a long story, but the pay off is GOLD.

My conversation with Harley started off with her singing a church song. She was singing "be careful little eyes what you see, for the Father up above is looking down below...".

She asked me what her Father up above's name was. I said God is your Father up above.

"So my Father's name is God?"
"Your Father in heaven IS God."
"My Father is God? What about Daddy?"
I explained a little more.

Since my Granddad passed away last summer Harley has been keeping his memory alive by having conversations with him, claiming he showed her how to do something, etc. She refers to him as her 'grandfather'.

So immediately after the God is your father conversation she asks what her Grandfather's name was.

I said "Bob".
"Bob is a name?"
"yes, it's pretty common."
"My Grandfather's name is Bob." "Do they name sheep Bob?"
"I'm sure someone has named a sheep Bob."
"Baaab" "Baaab" "Baaab the sheep"

I had to stop and lean on a wall to keep from falling over laughing.


Monday, December 01, 2008

Vanessa the Artist - Part Deux

Vanessa brought this picture home from school. She made it in art class. I asked what it was. Her answer: "a masterpiece"