Thursday, March 24, 2011


Mo: One day recently when it has been nice out the girls were riding their bikes/scooters. One of my neighbors came over to talk to me. While we were talking, Harley runs down and says "MAMA! You know the potty chair you were throwing away? Mo is peeing in it!!!" Sure enough, I go to the garage door to check it out and she had peed in it and was just pulling up her pants.

Harley: "God is bigger than the sun, bigger than a skyscraper, even bigger than a TAXI!!"

Me: "Harley, what kind of dressing do you want on your salad?"
Harley: "salad dressing"
Me: "Duhhhhhh..."

Vanessa: "Harley, if it storms tonight can you make sure I'm not awake?"

(RANELLE, THIS ONE IS FOR YOU...) Harley's take on Geometry: "Awfully big word for a bunch of shapes."

Harley: By the time I'm 48 I'll be known as the S.S. Awesome!

Yet another... "April showers bring May FLOODS."