Thursday, October 11, 2007

Laughter is the best Medicine

I'm not sure if these are due to pregnancy, aging brain cells or dead brain cells. The other two options I'm just not ready to acknowledge yet, so because I'm currently knocked-up that is the excuse I am going with.

Dork Moment #1 - My glassed had been 'lost'. When I found them, I put them on. I couldn't see a thing. So I wiped them off with my shirt and tried them again. Still, everything was blurry. I washed them off in the bathroom, dried them with care and put them on again. It was like there was a film over the lenses; I couldn't see anything. Then it dawned on me................I still had my contacts in.

Dork Moment #2 - I needed to pay the Dispatch bill. I kept forgetting to put it in the mailbox. Finally, I just grabbed the envelope and ran out to the mailbox, so happy with myself that I had finally taken care of that.

Several days later I was looking through my wallet and lo and behold the CHECK for the Dispatch bill was still in my wallet!

It's okay to laugh at me; I do it a lot!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Art Work

The Columbus Muesum of Art has a wonderful program called 1st Saturday. The 1st Saturday of every month they have a special program for children 3-6 yrs old. They look at a specific artist and then do an art project. This past Saturday they also had an African drummer who told a story.
Harley's picture is of Kathy, Vanessa and her.
Vanessa's picture is a family portrait.
I know, it's a blurry picture but Harley is on the left in a pink shirt. She was a dancer on stage. Some of the other children were drummers.


Harley constructed her own drum set with kitchen chairs. Even though Vanessa was a very sick little girl at the time, she HAD to be in the middle of it all just to see what was going on.



First Parent/Teacher Conference

Last night was our first parent/teacher conference.

Vanessa apparently tells her teacher every day that she is getting married. Her teacher reminds her that preschoolers don't marry. Vanessa isn't phased by this. She is getting married and she is marrying Saleem and that's that.

Harley likes it when there is only 1 or 2 children around. The teacher actually said that. See the posting below about my conversation with Harley and how she wishes there was only one other child in her class. The teacher said that she is a very pleasant child and follows direction very well.

Immediately upon leaving the school, Harley runs around the school yard, wouldn't listen to a word me or Tony said all night. She was a demon child. I must have brought the wrong child home. I want the one who follows direction very well!!!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

How Sweet

I called home this morning to make sure everyone was awake and starting to get ready for school. Usually I just talk to Tony. Today though, the girls both wanted to talk as well.

Vanessa was first. She was telling me how Harley was crying for me and she really wanted me to come home and she missed me and just wanted to give me a hug (makes it REALLY hard to go to work everyday with that kind of information).

Vanessa tried to calm her by saying that she could be the mama. Harley pointed out that she was just Vanessa. She agreed that she was just Vanessa but she could be the mama.

Sometimes Vanessa is just so sweet. She's going to be a good mama some day.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Oh Harley, What Am I Going To Do With You?

Saturday was clean up day. We went through the girls bedroom and playroom cleaning out the toys.

We had 3 piles, Keep, Throw Away or Give Away.

Vanessa, turning into a pack rat just like her daddy, wanted to keep everything.

Harley on the other hand wanted to give away or throw away everything. Everything.

We were mostly finished when I finally asked her, "Harley, why do you want to get rid of all your toys?"

"So we can get NEW ones!!", says Harley.

Awfully clever 3 yr old.