Tuesday, September 25, 2007



We had the ultrasound today. This baby was as active as my other children; bouncing around everywhere. The baby showed us her fingers (very long ones) several times. Other than that, she didn't want to cooperate. She kept hiding under my belly button. It took a while to get all the measurements and to get a good picture of the heart.
It took even longer to find out the gender. By this time, Tony had fallen asleep. We can always count on him to keep on top of things! I saw the screen, told Tony he better wake up so he can find out if he was having a girl or boy. I looked at the tech because I knew at that point that it was a girl. She winked at me and told him it was a girl.
It took a long time to sink in. You see until that point he (and most everyone else) was CERTAIN it was a boy. Turns out she is a shy girl. Is it possible for us to have a shy child? Maybe she's just practicing for when she becomes famous and has to hide from the paparazzi.
This little girl is so different from her sisters. Completely different pregnancy. Different position in my belly. Different demeanor. I can't wait to meet her!!!!!!
I get to see her again in 3 weeks. They want to get a better picture of her spine. They may move up the due date, seems she is a little bigger than my original date. Looks like another 6-footer!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Singing Bee

Last night Harley was singing. This is what I heard:

Frere Jaques,
Frere Jaques,
I think I pooped,
I think I pooped,
da da da da
da da
da da da da
da da

After I stopped crying from laughing so hard and nearly peeing my pants, I had her repeat it (of course). Tony's big concern was "I hope she doesn't sing that at school".

Thursday, September 13, 2007

HARLEY - So much like her parents...

My 2 girls are so very different. Vanessa has been a challenge for me. She is VERY outgoing, very social and loves to be with people. It's hard for someone like me who is anti-social. Vanessa is more like my cousin Terri or my friend Lisa H. They will stand in line at Burger King and talk to total strangers about hemorrhoids. Not even joking.

Harley on the other hand is a Little Tony and so much more like me and Tony. She's VERY independent; she doesn't need anyone to play with or talk to. This first full week of school has really been interesting for her. She's forced to be sociable with 8-9 other kids every day. After school I always ask her about her day. What they did, what they talked about, did she make any friends. Yesterday she says "I wish there was only 1 other kid in my class". I suggested that it's more fun if you have lots of kids in the class. She said "Maybe 2 kids in class". Again, I tried to change her mind and said that it's interesting having lots of different people in class. Finally, she says "OK! 3 kids, but that's IT!!!" I could argue no more.

Friday, September 07, 2007


How long are Vanessa's legs??!!


On Friday the girls went to the school to meet their teacher. It was an open house so kids came and went. Here the girls are sitting in the office. Let's hope this won't be a regular occurrence. (smile)
Wednesday was their actual first day of preschool. This is Vanessa's second (and last) year of preschool. She is in class with Miss Spero. This is Harley's first year of preschool. She has Miss Kim.
They were both more excited about wearing their new sneakers than anything else.
How cute does she look?! Can you believe she's old enough to go to preschool?

This was just so sweet.

After school, we asked the girls all about their day. Their favorite part was recess. Vanessa told us all about the snacks and things they did in class. Harley said absolutely nothing. We couldn't drag anything out of her. Nothing happened in class. They didn't do anything. Did they play in the kitchen area? No. Did she see the weather bear and talk about the weather? No. Did she sit at the table with her name on it? No. Oh, that Harley is going to be a difficult one!


Vanessa started dance class at BalletMet this past Saturday. She looked so much older in her dance outfit. She did very well listening to the teacher and following instructions. You know that's always a parent's fear that their child will act up in public. One poor couple did have their daughter running in circles doing whatever she felt like the whole time. But it wasn't mine! Ha!

All are sitting in a circle. Vanessa is the one at bottom left.
The teacher is telling the children how to sit and breathe. Apparently this involves putting your finger on your bellybutton. (Vanessa is the first in line on the left side.)
Here Vanessa has just finished hopping across the studio with a ball between her legs.