Thursday, November 19, 2009


As I was walking into the school yesterday to pick up the girls I saw a rainbow. On the way out, I looked and didn't see it. I said aloud "aww. The rainbow is gone"

Harley gets dramatic and cries "I NEVER get to see a rainbow!!!!"

Vanessa asks "What colors were in it?" (bless her heart)

I told Vanessa what colors were in the rainbow. The usual, ROY G BIV. Then she says "say it in Spanish." Umm, ok. I got them all but orange and purple. I can never remember them.

Harley was in trouble last night. She was instructed to stand in the corner. At one point she turned around to me and said "My teeth hurt because you're making me stand in the corner!"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


First, I get a call from Tony that Mo did this:
Thankfully, no hospital trip. It looks horrible though. My poor little baby.

Then Tony wanted the McRib from McDonald's. I went through the drive-thru and they cashier asked if I wanted to donate a dollar to the Ronald McDonald House. I said 'yes'. Vanessa got excited because she thought that meant we were going to Ronald McDonald's actual house.

I explained to her what The Ronald McDonald House is and why they need them. Then she wanted to go visit the sick kids in the hospital (she's a very sweet little girl). I told her we couldn't just go visit random kids in the hospital, they don't allow it. So she says "We're random and we're kids!"
