Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Oh my, whatta day...

Dateline 2010, 24 May, Columbus, Ohio -

It was going to be a full day. It was Harley's 6th birthday. She was taking cupcakes to share with her class. I had 2 doctor appointments in the morning.

Harley had a spider bite on her upper leg. I gave her benadryl and cortisone cream Sunday and Monday morning. She did not have a fever, chills or aching so the plan was to wait until after school to see if it looked better. It just so happened that the Fire Dept was at the school that day to show the kids the fire trucks. Harley showed the EMT her bite. The EMT sent her to nurse's office and wouldn't let her back with her class. Then the EMT and the school nurse talked about Harley while she is sitting just feet from them. She hears "infection", "can't be around other kids", etc. The school calls and says we need to come and get her because the EMT fears she has a staph infection and she will not be allowed back in the class. She completely missed out on HER birthday cupcakes. She was devastated. She thought she was going to lose her leg!

I took her to our pediatrician. She confirmed it is a spider bite but there is NO staph infection. She gave her antibiotics and said to keep up on the benadryl and cortisone cream.

While we were at the doctor's office, Adrienne went to jump on a bench that was up against a window. The window sill was marble. She jumps and smacks her chin on the marble. Busted her chin open! The doctor looks at her and says she does need stitches. She however, doesn't do stitches on the face. So I had to take all 3 girls to the Children's close to home where they put 5 stitches in my baby's face. She was a trooper! While being stitched up she didn't even move let alone cry. I was so proud of her.

My doctor's appointments found that I will probably have one procedure done in about a month. A tiny one, no big deal.

Also, I will have some IV steroids over the next 4 days. At least I won't h ave to be admitted to the hospital. I can come and go over the next 4 days. I also chose a DMD (disease modifying drug). I went with Betaseron. It has a small needle, the medicine does not need to be stored in the fridge, the drug company will cover my co-pay costs so the medicine will actually be free! I will also be checked to see if I have carpal tunnel trouble.

I'm exhausted today!!