Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Lewis Family Reunion June 23-24, 2007

Vanessa was the photographer for the Lewis Family Reunion (most of the photos are from her point of view so it's a good thing everyone had a clean nose!)

Uncle Wayne and his high school buddy

Uncle Wayne's wife Barb

Uncle Eddie


Harley and Tyler





Lady running the VFW in Nelsonville and Uncle Wayne's friend's wife.

I thought this was an amazing picture of the sunset on July 4th.One little cloud casting a shadow that went on for miles. Easy how sometimes we let a small doubt cast shadows in our life go on for years cutting through God's beauty and purpose in our life.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Well, it's official.............I'm pregnant!! I saw the heartbeat at the doctor's office on Thursday. We're very excited! Tony is disappointed there is only one baby, but then again he's insane.

Since I will be 35 when I deliver, I am an "old mom". Extra precautions will be taken. I go back in 2 wks for another ultrasound to make sure the baby is growing. Then after that I'll have another ultrasound to measure the thickness of skin on the back of the baby's neck and measure the width of the bridge of the nose all to ensure there are no chromosome problems. I have complete faith that all will be well. Besides, I'll only be 35. It's not like I'm 45 and pregnant! Good grief!

We told the girls over the weekend. Harley wanted to see the baby. Vanessa asked "Harley is in your belly?" No, this is a different baby. She also wanted to know what we are naming it, if it's a boy or girl. Then she insists she has a baby in her belly. She is naming it Calla.

Thursday, July 05, 2007


I used to love to climb trees. My brother has a tree in his backyard that is PERFECT for climbing. The girls are getting into climbing trees too......so long as there are no bugs on them!