Thursday, December 31, 2009


Have fun, but stay out of the news!
('s just apple juice. They wanted to drink out of my "pretty" glasses.)

Monday, December 21, 2009

A Few Pics...

School Christmas Party - Friday 12/18/09

Vanessa and her friend Kayla

Vanessa and Karl (isn't he just the cutest little nerd?!)

Vanessa and friends Kylie, ??? and Shamira

Maurice...sits at Harley's table in school. He is drawing me a picture.

Jeremiah, Harley's "boyfriend". He's all of 2 feet tall! So stinkin' cute!

This is Cooper. He also sits with Harley. He drew me 2 pictures and asked that I put them on my fridge. I hung them up as soon as I got home.

Harley...she was the only one in her class who knew all the words to "12 Days of Christmas". All the other kids just yelled "5 GOLDEN RINGS!!!!!"

Christmas Program at Church - Sunday 12/20/09

I was trying to find the setting on my phone to get rid of the border. It messed up the pictures. Sorry about the quality but you still get all warm and fuzzy with the pictures! :-)

The girls decorate their own tree. They are only allowed to hang ornaments has high as they can reach. It's getting higher every year....

Our regular tree with the baby gate. Mo managed to completely knock down the tree onto our TV and break the tree stand. The tree stand was replaced and the baby gate went up. The poor stuffed bears look like they are in prision.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

You have GOT to be kidding me!

House panel passes college football playoff bill

By FREDERIC J. FROMMER, Associated Press Writer Frederic J. Frommer, Associated Press Writer – 26 mins ago
WASHINGTON – A House subcommittee approved legislation Wednesday aimed at forcing college football to switch to a playoff system to determine a national champion, over the objections of some lawmakers who said Congress had more pressing matters on its plate.
The bill, which faces long odds of becoming law, would ban the promotion of a postseason NCAA Division I football game as a national championship unless that title contest is the result of a playoff. The measure passed by voice vote in a House Energy and Commerce Committee subcommittee, with one audible "no," from Rep. John Barrow, D-Ga.
"With all due respect, I really think we have more important things to spend our time on," Barrow said before the vote, although he stressed he didn't like the current Bowl Championship Series, either.
The bill's sponsor, GOP Rep. Joe Barton of Texas, said the BCS system is unfair and won't change unless prompted by Congress.

Seriously?! It makes me want to scream. They're worried about College FOOTBALL?!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


As I was walking into the school yesterday to pick up the girls I saw a rainbow. On the way out, I looked and didn't see it. I said aloud "aww. The rainbow is gone"

Harley gets dramatic and cries "I NEVER get to see a rainbow!!!!"

Vanessa asks "What colors were in it?" (bless her heart)

I told Vanessa what colors were in the rainbow. The usual, ROY G BIV. Then she says "say it in Spanish." Umm, ok. I got them all but orange and purple. I can never remember them.

Harley was in trouble last night. She was instructed to stand in the corner. At one point she turned around to me and said "My teeth hurt because you're making me stand in the corner!"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


First, I get a call from Tony that Mo did this:
Thankfully, no hospital trip. It looks horrible though. My poor little baby.

Then Tony wanted the McRib from McDonald's. I went through the drive-thru and they cashier asked if I wanted to donate a dollar to the Ronald McDonald House. I said 'yes'. Vanessa got excited because she thought that meant we were going to Ronald McDonald's actual house.

I explained to her what The Ronald McDonald House is and why they need them. Then she wanted to go visit the sick kids in the hospital (she's a very sweet little girl). I told her we couldn't just go visit random kids in the hospital, they don't allow it. So she says "We're random and we're kids!"


Friday, October 30, 2009



Here we have my Darth Vader girls and my Dalmation puppy.

Vanessa as Darth Vader. Awesome pose! I like to refer to Harley's costume as Mickey Vader. Mo as a Dalmation Puppy.

My nephew Tyler as a Ninja! Trick or treat!
She's got it easy!
Tyler, Vanessa, Emily (my friend's daughter. She is protecting her head from the lightsabers)
I don't know these boys, but when Harley saw them she said, "Look! They're dressed like ME for Halloween!!"

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Office Halloween Fun 2009

My office decided to dress-up for Halloween today.
I'm OCTOMOM!! Melissa (in purple) is my baby #5.

The lips are FRIGHTENING!

We also had a pumpkin decorating contest. Here are the entries...

Buckeye Pumpkin

Graveyard pumpkin
Gypsy Pumpkin
Jimmy Buffett Pumpkin

Judge and Jury Pumpkin

Motorcycle Pumpkin
And my entry (along with Brandy's help!) ....
Pumpkin Spider
We are SO going to win for scariest pumpkin!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mo at the Show

Because she is still too little to ride on rides (or camels!) I didn't get many pictures of Mo and the Pumpkin Show. This is one where she is displaying her exemplary drinking skills!


The 103rd Circleville Pumpkin Show has come and gone. Til next year!

Dr. Liggett won again! 1635.5lbs! A Pumpkin Show record.

The girls met Ronald McDonald. Ronald commented to Harley that if she had red hair he would be out of a job! hahaha

Vanessa feeding a reindeer. The reindeer looked a little loco.
Kangaroo at the petting zoo.
Vanessa jumping. At one point she jumped in the air and said, "Hello Jesus!" She thought she was that high in the air. :-)
Harley jumping.
Our favorite float. Charlie and Chocolate Factory.
Vanessa riding on a camel.
Harley riding on a camel.
Vanessa hugging the camel.
Harley hugging the camel.
A camel kiss.