Friday, January 25, 2008


Okay, I have been rather slacking on putting pictures up. I will try to do that in the next couple days. Nothing like waiting until almost February to see Christmas pictures! Give me a break, I'm 9 months pregnant!!

Until then, here is another quip from Harley:

The girls were coloring and drawing last night. Harley wrote her name and said (in the sweetest voice) "Everyone likes me." I said of course they do. She said "Everyone likes me..................................And if they don't like like me, they can leave."

I love her attitude!!!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

What Keyboard Are You Looking At?

Sometimes it only takes a 3 year old to make you feel stupid.

Harley was on the computer last night. She wanted to know how to spell the baby's name. ~Which is going to be Adrienne, by the way~ So Tony was giving her one letter at a time. When he got to "i", Harley couldn't find it. Tony tells her "It's the line with the dot above it". Harley yells back "it's not on here!!"

Now, I don't know how your keyboard is set up, but everyone I've ever seen DOES NOT have lower case letters! duuuuhhhh.....

Friday, January 11, 2008


Harley called me at work to tell me this story:

She is wearing a shirt with a kangaroo pocket in front. Her hands were in the pocket having a party. They ate too much cake. Now they are tired.

She was serious.


Monday, January 07, 2008

Old Pics

Tony and I got new cell phones a few days ago. Tony had to unload a TON of pictures from his phone. Below are a few pictures he took with his phone.

This was on 12/8/07. Harley is holding her cousin Jacob.

Vanessa holding Jacob.
Don't know the exact date, but sometime last spring. Probably late April or May of '07.

Tony came across this scene one day. Look closely at the sign on the building, it's the Lion's Den Adult Bookstore. It is just so wrong, but I don't care who you are, THAT'S funny!