Tuesday, January 09, 2007


As most of you know, Vanessa loves Superman. Heros of any kind really, but Superman is her favorite. We finally watched Superman Returns. The girls were ready, capes on, front and center in front of the TV.

After the first good screen shot of Superman, Vanessa comes back to me and says "Superman is hot." Not cute or handsome or pretty. Hot. Where on earth does she hear these things?! I am not looking forward to 10 yrs from now...

Learning to use the scooter...

Since we've apparently jumped ahead to spring, we had great weather for the girls to try their new scooters. Harley is a cautious, steady-as-we-go girl. Vanessa on the other hand flies down the sidewalk without a care in the world only turning around to yell 'Look at me!!' But who knows, Harley is only 2 1/2, she may be flying when she's 4 too.

Christmas Afternoon 2006

After we've opened our gifts, had breakfast and settled down a bit we get dressed and go mom's house for Christmas with the Woods'.

The food was as wonderful as always. We all ate too much. We had a good time.

Again, some had too much fun :-) Here Tyler is showing us his abs:


Christmas Morning 2006

Christmas Day Morning
Vanessa woke us all at 7am because the cookies and milk were gone! That meant Santa had been here. Harley wasn't as enthused as Vanessa - Harley is our girl, it's hard to wake her up from a comfortable bed! But 2 minutes later the comfort of the bed was forgotten...

Harley's gifts from Santa

Vanessa's gifts from Santa
They each got a Razor Jr scooter
Harley is dragging her new Barbie doll house
They had almost as much fun opening the gifts as they did the actual gift

I won't post all the pictures. They got books and dress up clothes and DVDs and Princess Barbies. Vanessa got a camera. Harley got a LiteBright. Too many things to list really.

Christmas Eve 2006

Christmas Eve

The Willison family came up to our house for Christmas Eve. We munched on hors d'oeuvres, cookies, candy and punch. We had a lot of fun. Some had a little too much fun...

We opened gifts...

For the girls, Scott hand-crafted toy chests. They are unbelievable! He did an incredible job!!